
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2022

Sagas importantes en el cine

                                    SAGAS IMPORTANTES EN EL CINE: Throughout the history of cinema there have been great sagas of films that have marked a before and after, here we will tell you which are the most important. Rocky (1976-2018):           Don't say "sports drama", say 'Rocky'. Yes, 'Rocky V' is terrible, and 'Rocky III' has been somewhat forgotten, but the great moments that the underrated saga starring Sylvester Stallone has given us are to frame, including its fantastic late sequel Rocky Balboa. And in case we are left with more desire for boxing epics, beyond the main series, we have the two fantastic spin-offs focused on Adonis Creed. Star Wars (1977-2019):      A fantastic saga of 9 films released over the decades, this saga revolutionized special effects in cinema, after premiering the 3 main films in 1977, 3 prequels were released ...

Saga Castlevania Lords of Shadows

  SAGA CASTLEVANIA LORDS OF SHADOWS: In this blog entry I will talk about one of the games mentioned in the list of video game sagas, specifically which is for me the best video game saga in history: Castlevania Lords of Shadows This saga has 3 deliveries; Castlevania Lords of Shadows, Castlevania Lords of Shadows: Mirror of Fate and Castlevania Lords of Shadows 2, I will definitely talk about each installment. Castlevania Lords of Shadow: Here we are presented with the origin of the Belmont clan, which is very important in the saga, Gabriel Belmont has the task of defeating the 3 lords of the shadow, which we will meet throughout history, Gabriel arrives at a town on which is being attacked by werewolves, when you defeat them the inhabitants point you to where you have to go, once you reach the entrance to the lake of oblivion you meet your guide, Pan, he tells you that the 3 lords of the shadow have different skills and minions, and the name of each dark lord, The Dark Lord Lycan...

Señor de los Anillos

 El Señor de los Anillos: The Lord of the Rings is a saga of books, movies and recently series, of the epic and science fiction genre, the saga was published in 1955 by the writer JRR Tolkien, his book saga is composed of 5 books: 1 of the Hobbit, 3 of the Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion, despite personally having read all of these, I am going to talk about the movie saga and the series. The saga of the Lord of the Rings is divided into 3 films each based on its own book: El Señor de los Anillos La Comunidad del Anillo El Señor de los Anillos Las Dos Torres El Señor de los Anillos El Retorno del Rey Then there are the 3 from the Hobbit which are set 60 years before the events of Lord of the Rings: El Hobbit: Un Viaje Inesperado El Hobbit: La Desolacion de Smaug El Hobbit: La Batalla de los Cinco Ejercitos The Lords of the Ring: The Fellowship of the Ring We are located in Middle Earth, a fantastic world where there are 3 main races (Humans, Elves and Dwarves) but then there ...

Sagas de videojuegos

 GRANDES SAGAS DE VIDEOJUEGOS: Over the last 30 years we have enjoyed countless video games and their respective sagas. Choosing the best video game sagas is an almost impossible task, but here we will tell you a few that you will surely love: Fallout: Bethesda is characterized by creating the best open world games that have existed such as Fallout or The Elder Scrolls, Fallout in this case is a post-apocalyptic open world which has captivated each person who plays it. His saga has 4 deliveries of story mode and one online. Mortal Kombat: When the 2D fighting genre began to gain importance, Midway brought out its most important characters, Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Raiden, who 30 years later are still fighting in Mortal Kombat 11. Doom:    In the early '90s, id Software took advantage of the PCs of the time to invent the genre of the subjective shooter, first with Wolfenstein 3D and, later, with Doom. The company has continued to cultivate the two sagas to this day, in both ...

Saga UCM

  EL UCM: The MCU translates as the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it may be the best structured movie universe in history, because all the movies were connected to each other The Marvel formula is divided into sagas, which in turn are divided into phases: Saga del Infinito: Phase 1: Iron-Man  Iron-Man 2 Captain america first avenger The incredible Hulk Thor Avengers Phase 2: Iron-Man 3 Capitan America El Soldado del Invierno Thor Dark World Guardians of the Galaxy Ant-Man Avengers Age of Ultron Phase 3: Capitan America Civil War Doctor Strange Guardianes de la Galaxia Vol.2 Spider-Man Homecoming Thor Ragnarok Black Panter Avengers  Infinity War Capitana Marvel Ant-Man y la Avispa Avngers Endgame Spider-Man Far From Home Secret Saga: Phase 4: Wandavision Falcon and the winter soldier Loki Viuda Negra What If? Shang-Chi Eternals Hawkeye Spider-Man No Way Home Moon Knight Doctor Strange And the Multiverse of Madness Ms.Marvel Thor Love and Thunder Black Panther Wakanda Forever ...